Saturday, October 17, 2009

Live, Laugh and Love

“It’s like rain, on your wedding day. It’s a free ride, when you’ve already paid. It’s a good advice, that you just didn’t take, and who would have thought it figures?” This is a part of my favorite song, “Ironic”. This song gives me a realization why sometimes, life is unfair…yes, sometimes life is ironic.

When I was young, my mom often scold me for being naughty… doing things that she reminded me not do to, like playing in the rain, sleeping late, staying in our neighbor’s house and sometimes sleeping there with my friends. Well, maybe I’m one of those disobedient kids some parents have. But I come to realize as grew old, that every people not just I, have experienced doing things that they were not supposed to do, like disobeying and breaking rules…maybe because, life is full of irony. People tend to do things which is the opposite of what they have to.

Things happen…sometimes, it favors us, but sometimes it fails to satisfy our wants. It’s like attending class early in the morning, preparing for the examination and finding out that the professor is not there, well, that favors most of the students. The bad side is when you exert time and effort reviewing for the exam but you failed.

Well, for me, God has his own way of reaching us. He fills the world with irony so that when we think that our lives are messed up by those ironies we can now see him, waiting for us to hold on. Let’s not feel so much affected by the bad things happening. There’s no reason for us to surrender and feel bad. Let’s think positive and vies life as what God wants us to. Life is beautiful…so live, laugh and love.

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