Saturday, October 17, 2009

Typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng, Awaken Filipinos’ Bayanihan Spirit

Just a week after Ondoy dumped the heaviest rainfall in more than four decades in Philippines history, Typhoon Pepeng hits the country, washing away homes, flooding almost every part of Manila and other provinces. These caused 710 people dead and caused millions of pesos in damage. Damage to infrastructure exceeded $107 million, other officials said. The agriculture sector suffered $397 million in damage with half a million hectares of rice lands flooded.
These tragedy awaken’s the “Bayanihan Spirit ” of the Filipino. Filipino’s from all classes, rich or poor, volunteered time and effort, and donated cash and goods for those in need. Celebrities and politicians were felt that time. The Filipinos were there for each other. These incident proves that in time of need the Filipinos will unite for the benefit of others and for their country.

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